Pelapis pelapis LSC-500
LSC-500 Coating Lubricant is a kind of calcium stearate emulsion, it can be applied in various kinds of coating system as lubricate wet coating to reduce the friction force originated from mutual moving of components. By using it can promote liquidity of coating, improve coating operation, increase the quality of coated paper, eliminate the fines removal arised when coated paper operated by super calender,moreover,also reduce the disadvantages ,such as chap or skin arised when coated paper folded .
Agen Tahan Air LWR-04 (PZC)
This product is a new type of water resistant agent, it can greatly improve the improvement of coated paper wet rubbing, dry and wet drawing printing. Ini dapat bereaksi dengan perekat sintetis, pati yang dimodifikasi, CMC dan ketinggian resistensi air. Produk ini memiliki rentang pH yang luas, dosis kecil, tidak beracun, dll.
Komposisi Kimia:
Kalium zirkonium karbonat
Agen tahan air LWR-02 (PAPU)
CAS No. : 24981-13-3
Agen Dispersing LDC-40
Produk ini adalah sejenis rantai garpu dan agen pendisaran organik natrium molekul rendah